Spot the Robot Dog

What is Spot?

Spot is a versatile four-legged robotic dog made by Boston Dynamics. It can used for many different purposes like public safety, construcion, and more.
The robot can go up to 3 miles per hour, carry around 31 pounds, see 360 degrees, climb terrain, and recover from most obstacles on its own. Spot is purchasable with a
hefty price tag of $74,500 and comes with a default camera, sensors, and software. Several other attachments like a manipulating arm can be purchased and added onto the
robot. Spot can be used for many purposes but can have many more functionalities with additional puchasable tools.

Spot's Tools

Spot's program can be changed by anyone who buys it to adapt the robot to specific needs. The robots original intent was to be sold to construction companies
however, Boston Dynamics made the robot purchaseable to the public. While the robot is expensive at about 75k the attachments are even more expensive. For a full 360 degree
camera, it will cost you $21,400. In addition, things like a controller are $400 and extra batteries are around $5,000. While the robot may be impressive you start to wonder
if the price is really all that worth it.

How is Spot being used today?

Today Spot's programming is being used in places like Singapore to help encourage social distancing. Furthermore, Boston Dynamics has sold the robot to some
companies which are trying to get Spot to disinfect places like train stations. In Boston, Spot is used to screen people and test if they are positive with Covid-19. Spot
is being used around the world and is proving to be very usefull. While it may be very expensive the robot's technology is only getting better as time passes, so eventually
the robot might become easily affordable.